Sun through water

We took our four legged one to the beach, Saturday. It was her first time there with the intent and temperature for swimming. It was the first day we had her outside off leash for any length of time, which wound up being the whole day. She’s been a very calm girl ever since. Pretty…

The sent folder

That sacred space of honest accountability. Have I or haven’t I? The sent folder will tell me. I’m more in my head than in my world. I’m deeply introverted and introspective. Sometimes I will write you a thoughtful letter and come up with all the right things to say and the best way to say…

Perfect early mornings 

I couldn’t sleep this morning. This is pretty rare but since I fell down the stairs last week, bursting a couple finger tips with the force of the impact, I’m wide awake the moment I become aware of my hips/back/general body sensations. I could feel the 4 legged one on the other side of my…

Planted seeds 

How much of our experience is the thoughts we think and not the world around us? Have you ever taken the time to look back and wonder how you wound up on all the many steps on your path? So many mid-afternoon decisions have created the course of my life, thoughts gifted to me from…


I might fall down But I’m not one To miss a chance To get back up  Again.

New friends

A deal caught my eye this week during my weekly outing into normal land and I couldn’t resist. A 2 for 1 special and florist wrapping at the counter means I have 2 new friends at home amongst the horticultural-experiment-like-arena that is my home. An added bonus to these vigorous new vines of mine is…

New days 

Because there’s always tomorrow, and sometimes that’s what gets you through today.   

Base line competencies

My work history is diverse. From pharmacy assistant to fishing deckhand to broadcast news announcer to surface supply dive system designer and builder and beyond. My resume is so diverse that I haven’t compiled a complete work history for a very long time, believing any prospective employer would doubt my honesty. This past has offered…

Living colour in January

We had an unseasonably warm day this week that melted all the snow on the ground. It’s a bit weird, this time of year, to see so much uncovered; like nature caught naked after a warm shower.     My four legged companion and I were out walking the trails in town when we were greeted…

Wicked dog food

Coconut, brussel sprouts, chia, blueberries, the list goes on. Not only did I come home with treats for the two-leggeds today, the four legged one has been living it up, too! This flavour gets a big sticky seal of approval from our lady. No grains bringing her down. Now if only she could convince us…

High quality junk food 

We all have our vices. My biggest vice would have to be potato chips. Salty, fatty, and crunchy: everything I desire whenever I start feeling the first pangs of hunger. Canola and I haven’t been friends for quite some time now, as it makes its presence known in my body with an immediate and intense…

Multicoloured Duck Eggs

Most of the meals I eat are vegan. There are a few reasons for this, I credit my education in ecology, especially concerning energy transfer between trophic levels, for this. I won’t wave a flag or point fingers about this, it is a personal choice and I can only make that choice for one person. …