Cutting dirt

I’m hardening off many of my plants and several of my direct seeded beds are bursting to life.


I got busy with a shovel this week and carved out some keyhole & freestyle garden beds which are now ready to plant. Two years of turning over our sandy soils with plenty of organic materials in the fall looks like it’s paying off, there is a darker richness to the earth. This year we mulch and stop tilling those areas.


There are still many more beds to cut and build, and a fence to finish putting up to keep the critters at bay.


Daffodils and Rhubarb are the current stars in the yard.


Two years ago these rhubarb plants weren’t visible or accessible. The patch cleaned up well but there is still plenty of work to do (Yay!) Last fall’s leaves help retain moisture in the soil and offer the slugs something else to eat while smothering out the many weed seeds eager to germinate. They’ll get covered up with green mulch, the rhubarb leaves, as I harvest this year’s crop.

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